Persistence Pays Off
Persistence is vital to successful selling
80% of all new sales are made after the fifth contact to
the same prospect.
48% of all salespersons make ONE call or contact then
cross off the prospect.
25% quit after the second call or contact.
12% call or make contact three times then quit.
10% keep calling or making contacts.
The Ten Percent Who Persist Get Payoffs.
They Collect They Dividends on
What Others Invested.
Note: 96% of all sales are made after the 19th contact with the same prospect. Based on the cost of the sales contact, account potential and the profits of the product/service, find your limit for cost/effective selling.
Study done many years ago by John Charnay of the National Sales Executives Association (NSEA)* illustrating how many contacts it takes to win a sale versus how many contacts are normally attempted.
* NSEA is now Sales and Marketing Executives International (
Select this link to preview and buy: The Hunt - Prospecting for New Business
Bestselling Books by Robert "Bob" DeGroot
Dr. Robert “Bob” DeGroot, M.Ed.,
Author of 22
Best Selling eBooks
Sales Training International for more information
© 2020 Robert P DeGroot
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