Telephone Cold Calling: How to prevent common initial contact objections.

Prevent & Preempt initial contact objections Tired of getting common initial contact objections such as, " Not interested, We already have someone, Just send me your literature, No time, Not a priority," and on and on. 90+% of cold call contacting is shut down immediately with these types of initial contact objections. That's extremely inefficient and, for many, a self-esteem damaging activity. It's time to reverse that number and make it 90+% getting to interview the prospect, and less than 10% rejection responses that will require a different approach. I'm not too fond of these objections either, and I will do whatever I can to prevent them from entering my prospect's mind. Recall from an earlier blog, " Why You Get the Objections You Get " that the core Buyer Beliefs have not yet been established. As such, the prospect doesn't recognize you're calling to help them with a need they may or may not be consciously aware of at the mome...