Effective Voicemail Messaging

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Whenever you call any prospective customer, you must be prepared to leave a high-impact 30 to 90-second high impact call returning message. Stammering, at this point, will not elicit a return call. Be ready.

  1. If your name is difficult to pronounce, use some memory devices such as rhyming. Please don’t put your prospects in an embarrassing position of not knowing how to pronounce your name when they call back. Use the same strategy with your company name.
  2. Include your phone number at the beginning of the message. That way, the prospect won’t have to listen to the message again if they want to call. Say this introduction slowly.
  3. Give your reason for the call using your elevator speech (see the previous blog). Be sure to use your big-bang Unique Selling Point’s benefit as a motivator to get them to call you back.
  4. Close the message with a request for a call back in a specific time range.
  5. Tell the person if you miss each other, you will follow up at a specified time. Always be in charge of follow up.
  6. The structure is flexible - just include each of the elements.

The structure:

Hello, this is __________ with ________. My number is 281.367.5599

The reason I’m calling is that I would like to get you some written information on how our company is solving some of the costly and critical issues related to _____________.

I understand that you are in the decision-making process in this area.

The best time to call me is ______________.

If this doesn’t work, I will call you back on (day/date) at (time).

My number is 281.367.5599.   Again, that is 2-8-1, 3-6-7, fifty-five, ninety-nine.

I look forward to talking with you until then have a nice day.


Hello, I’m Bob DeGroot with Sales Training International. My phone number is 281-367-5599.

We help salespeople prevent, preempt, and respond to every sale stopping objection they get.

The reason I’m calling is to quickly demonstrate how this works. You name the objection, and I’ll demonstrate, then email the results to you – no charge. I love doing this.

You can teach your salespeople and measure the immediate results. And, for as little as ten dollars, you can buy the “Objection Free Selling” ebook and get all the information you need to handle the rest of the sales stopping objections.

The best time to call me is between 9 and 3 pm eastern time. If you need to, please leave a message, and I’ll be right back with you.

If this doesn’t work, I will call you back on Tuesday between 3:30 and 5 pm

My name is Bob DeGroot. My phone number is 281.367.5599.   Again, that is 2-8-1, 3-6-7, fifty-five, ninety-nine.

I look forward to talking with you until then have a nice day.


Telephone Cold Calling with Voicemail Strategies book cover

Select this link to review the Blog: Elevator Speech

Select this link to preview and buy the bestselling eBook: Telephone Cold Call with Voicemail Strategies

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Select this link to all of Bob's bestselling books

Select this link to view Objection Free Selling (Now 43 months on Bestsellers list)

Select this link to Bob's LinkedIn page.  

Dr. Robert “Bob” DeGroot, M.Ed., DCH
Author of 22 Best Selling eBooks

Sales Training International

https://www.saleshelp.com for more information

© 2020 Robert P DeGroot



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