Which of these 85 most common sales stopping objections do you get?
Here is the full list of the 85 most common sales stopping and stalling objections. They are categorized by the missing Buyer Beliefs that cause them (see previous blog).
What I think you’ll find is that you only get objections in three or four categories. That means you only need to work out how to Prevent, Preempt, and Respond to a couple in those categories to handle all the objections in those categories.
You don’t need a whole new sales model, just patch the
holes where the objections are leaking in. In our upcoming blogs we'll discuss how to Prevent, Preempt, and Respond to each and every one of them.
Category 1: Need Exists
a buyer does not believe a Need Exists, then the following objections occur,
spoken or not.
Not interested.
2. Already have someone.
3. We are satisfied with whom we have now.
4. Don't need it.
5. We do it internally with our own people.
6. I can't use anymore ________.
2 & 3: Responsibility or Authority
When a buyer does not believe they have or share the responsibility or authority to fill the need, then the following objections occur, spoken or not.
My boss won't authorize anything.
8. It will never get through the system.
9. I have to consult with ________.
10. That's not my area.
11. That has value but not for me.
12. Home office requires we use ______.
13. We have to use your competitor.
14. He/she isn't here anymore.
4: Discomfort Felt
a buyer does not believe enough discomfort surrounding the need exists, then
the following objections occur, spoken or not.
Just send me your literature.
16. Don't have time to discuss this now.
17. No one is paying attention to this area.
18. We'll muddle through.
19. It's too much hassle.
20. We won't use it.
5: Need has Priority
a buyer does not believe a Need has Priority, then the following objections
occur, spoken or not.
No money budgeted, call me next year.
22. We're cutting back.
23. Not a priority now.
24. Timing is not right, see me next month/year.
25. I need to think this over.
26. Too many things in front of this.
6: Type Solution Will Work
a buyer does not believe you type of solution will work to fill the need, then
the following objections occur, spoken or not.
It just won't work for us.
28. Never had good results with _________.
29. This isn't for us.
30. Don't want to stick our necks out on this.
31. You don't have what we need.
32. Your lead times are too long.
33. Management is taking a different track.
34. I need better quality than what you offer.
7: Capability & Credibility
a buyer does not believe you have the Capabilities or Credibility to fill the
need, then the following objections occur, spoken or not.
We want someone in our industry.
36. How do you know it will do that?
37. Never heard of you.
38. You're not large enough to handle the job.
39. I don't like your company.
40. I don't like your products/services.
41a. You don't understand our problems (needs).
41b. You don't understand our problems (trust)
41c. You don't understand our problems (capability).
42. Your track record isn't strong enough.
43. Had a bad experience with your company.
44. That can't be done.
45. I don't believe it.
46. I've never heard of your company.
47. You'll have to prove that to me.
48. Never had good results with _________.
49. Your ________ is not good enough.
50. We only buy “name brands.”
51. You don't have what we need.
8: Best Solution
a buyer does not believe you have the Best Solution, to the exclusion of
competing solutions, then the following objections occur, spoken or not.
Don't see any reason to change.
53. We've got to look at a number of suppliers.
54. Been doing business with them for years.
55. Not sure yours will work as well.
56. My brother-in-law is in the business.
57. Don't see any difference.
58. What makes you different?
59. Why should I buy from you?
60. We do it internally with our own people.
61. We want a band aid not a full work over.
62. Costs too much to change to your products.
63. We just like your competitor's product.
9: Return on Investment
a buyer does not believe the price paid is less than the value received, then
the following objections occur, spoken or not.
Not in the budget.
65. Your competitor does it for less.
66. Your price is way out of line.
67. Costs too much to change to your products.
68. I can’t justify spending that much money.
69. My boss will never approve it (money).
70. Your price is too high.
71. We need a better price.
72. Can’t afford it.
73. You’ll have to do better than that.
74. Sharpen your pencils.
10: Plan Will Succeed
a buyer does not believe your plan to fill the need will succeed, then the
following objections occur, spoken or not.
No one will use it.
76. Can't see how we could implement it.
77. Too much risk.
78. Change is tough to do around here.
79. Too much trouble.
80. They will never buy into it.
81. I'm not comfortable with this idea yet.
82. This is a lot to think about.
83. They will resist doing it.
84. We need time to adjust to this.
85. Don’t know how to tell my supplier “no.”
Again, in the upcoming blogs we'll be discussing how to Prevent, Preempt, and Respond to every one of them.
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Dr. Robert “Bob” DeGroot, M.Ed., DCH
Author of 22 Best Selling eBooks
Sales Training International
https://www.saleshelp.com for
more information
© 2020 Robert P DeGroot
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