Which of these 85 most common sales stopping objections do you get?

Here is the full list of the 85 most common sales stopping and stalling objections. They are categorized by the missing Buyer Beliefs that cause them (see previous blog). What I think you’ll find is that you only get objections in three or four categories. That means you only need to work out how to Prevent, Preempt, and Respond to a couple in those categories to handle all the objections in those categories. You don’t need a whole new sales model, just patch the holes where the objections are leaking in. In our upcoming blogs we'll discuss how to Prevent, Preempt, and Respond to each and every one of them. Category 1: Need Exists When a buyer does not believe a Need Exists, then the following objections occur, spoken or not. 1. Not interested. 2. Already have someone. 3. We are satisfied with whom we have now. 4. Don't need it. 5. We do it internally with our own people. 6. I can't use anymore ________. Category 2 & 3: Responsibility or Authority Whe...